Friday, December 5, 2008

Treatment of Altitude Sickness

The best way to prevent acute altitude sickness is to ascend slowly (over a period of several days) to higher altitudes. Limiting physical activity for the first few days may also help. Acute altitude sickness is usually not a serious condition, and it resolves on its own with rest and over-the-counter analgesics for pain control. Maintaining adequate hydration may also help reduce the symptoms of acute altitude sickness. Besides moving to a lower altitude, you can treat mild altitude sickness with rest and pain relievers. The drug acetazolamide can speed recovery. This drug balances your body chemistry and stimulates breathing. If you have symptoms of altitude sickness, avoid alcohol, sleeping pills and narcotic pain medications. All of these can slow your breathing, which is extremely dangerous in low-oxygen conditions. If the condition becomes severe, immediate descent to a lower altitude is recommended, as well as medical treatment.

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