Friday, April 3, 2009

Personal Bag Tags

A staggering 42 million bags are misplaced by airlines globally each year. To help travelers, three companies—i-Trak,, and Trace Mehave introduced luggage-tracking devices that are more durable than the airlines' labels and more private than personal tags with your home information. Here's how it works. Travelers order tags on the company Web site to attach to their luggage. If the bags are lost, the tags are printed with instructions for finders to call a toll-free number or file a report online. The service then contacts the bag's owner, and he or she pays to have the bag shipped home. IMHonest rewards the finder with two packs of tracking stickers. This system, of course, depends on the honesty of others. Budget Travel tested the effectiveness of the tags. Read more to find out what they learned.

1 comment:

James said...

I appreciate the labour you have put in developing this blog. Nice and informative.