Nothing can ruin a trip faster than lose of your cash, credit/debit cards, driver's license or passport. To avoid loss, it's always wise to carry these items in a travel security pouch that can be worn under your clothing. They have ones that fit around your waist, hang around your neck or strap to your leg. While it may be slightly uncomfortable, you are much less likely to loose anything of value. You can carry a small amount of cash in your purse, pocket or pack for easy access, but the rest should be stashed safely below your clothing.
If you're traveling with another person, divide your credit cards (it's always wise to travel with two cards) so you're not both carrying the same ones. If one person's wallet gets stolen or lost, you'll still have cards you can use.
Make several photocopies of all your cards and passport to keep separately. Take a copy with you, give one to a travel companion if you have one and leave one at home with a family member or trusted friend. Be sure to include the toll-free numbers for reporting lost or stolen cards. U.S. toll-free numbers work in some but not all foreign countries, so also list a non toll-free customer service number that can be called from abroad. Don't place your photocopied list in a checked suitcase where dishonest security personnel or baggage handlers will find it. Select unlikely containers for the travel card and passport photocopies. Tuck them into an extra pair of rolled-up socks or tubular toothbrush container in your carry-on.
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